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Reply to ""Managing the Mandate""

Complete BS by eBay. The way around this issue is to use the Pick and Pay option and just tell the buyer to e-mail. I also say I welcome any type of payment so, bid. If eBay comes back after I said this statement, it really will urk me more. You also can't avoid people asking about sending checks. What all of us sellers need to do is file a class action against eBay, but yet not enough of us will join and take them on. Legally, eBay is getting around the anti-competitive issue with respect to payments by using this pick-up and pay gimmick. Bad thing is the bulk of eBay sellers don't have a physical store front. Go to Auctiva Commerce if you want to sell things in a store fashion, but bear in mind it's new and will take a bit of time before people go there. If you price things like eBay stores or mark things higher because operating costs are cheaper = people won't come. Finally, regardless of where you sell - one has to advertise so, don't rely soley on Auctiva to do all the work. In closing, glad this artucle was written and again, am tired of eBay's BS!
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