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Master Profiles

I tried to use the profiles before and didn't seem to work that well so I decided to drop it and fill in the blanks every time I create a listing.

Now, I have a lot to list and decided to give another try. The question is whether I can load the Marketing, Shipping and Checkout all at one time or only on at a time? It seems like it can only be loaded one at a time. Then, here is the problem, I tried to load them on at a time, by the time I load the checkout profile, I got a page that says the page has expired and I lost the whole listing.

I tried a few times already, sometimes it works, sometimes I lost everything. The things I sell are only a few dollars and it is not worthwhile to keep having to create the listing over and over again.

Sometimes, the image does not load, sometimes the profiles do not load.

Also, the "Get HTML" does not work either. I could not get anything.

Please help me as soon as possible. Thank you.
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