Hi energizer,
You can load all of your profiles at once by using a master profile. To create one, go to Auctiva -> Profiles -> Master Profile. A master profile can contain one or more of your other profiles and can be loaded into your listing using the "Master Profile" pulldown menu at the top right of the listing page.
I'm not sure why you're experiencing those other errors. Here are a few things to try that may improve the functionality of Auctiva on your computer:
1) Clean your web cache and clean up your registry. I recommend using I EasyCleaner, which can be found at http://www.amplusnet.com/products/ieasycleaner/overview.htm
3) Try using an alternate web brower. I recommend using Internet Explorer 6.0 or Firefox. If you are using one, you may try the other.
3) Uninstall your browser plugins, internet security products, and popup blockers.
4) Disable your firewall.
5) Run some spyware removal software: Here is a link to a free version of AdAware: http://www.download.com/Ad-Aware-SE-Personal-Edition/30...602.html?tag=lst-0-1
I hope this helps=)