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Reply to "Master Profiles"


I think I can help you out on this one. Smile

First make your shipping profile, call it ship priorty then your details profile call that detail gallery, do the same for all of the ones you use. Save each one. You can call them whatever you like, just trying to describe it, lol .....

Then, go to MASTER under your profile tab.

(Create a master profile that contains from one to all four of the individual profiles, mentioned below.)

(Select your master profile when creating a new ad to help save time in creating your listings!)

where it says MASTER, open that and click on each little drop down box

Detail profile
Marketing profile etc .....

select the saved shipping pri profile you made before, then the other profiles you made, now save the whole thing as MASTER1. Or masterpri or masterset get what i mean ?

Then when you go to make a new auction listing, at the very top right on your listing page there is a drop down box called MASTER PROFILE

when you click on that select your saved mastership pri or what ever you called it and the page will reload. It will then ask you if you want to continue, click yes. Then when the page reloads all your saved profile info for that master will load automatically.....

phew !!! i bet if i read this back it will sound like gobblede goosh... lol

let me know if you can understand this ....or not

Good luck Carol.
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