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Missing Item description

Okay..I am looking for help with an issue..been on the phone 20 minutes with EBay support..NO ANSWERS. I run two computers at with IE6 and one with IE7. On the IE6 I can see my ads fine..on the IE7 I can not see the item description in the 'new' version..when I click on 'view in previous version' I see everything fine. I have looked at my 'advanced settings' in the IE7 tools and even restored the defaults and restarted the computer...still I see no item description...just the freebee pick to the left and sale detail box the the right..everything below is gone. Please help me if you can as I am certain I am not the only one with the issue as I have seen other posts..but no posted solutions. I AM aware that you may see it fine..the problem is I can't. Thank you so much.. Tami

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