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Reply to "Moneybookers and paymate Logo upload"

Hi u4shop,

Thanks for posting your question here. I don't know of any reason why you would not be able to incorporate the Moneybookers and Paymate logos into your Seller Details profile, although the process you would use in order to do so depends on the format of the image date you are starting with.

Either way, you will want to begin by going to the editing interface for your Seller Details profile, which you can reach by mousing over the "Profiles" tab, selecting the "Manage" option in the "Seller Details" section, and then clicking the "Edit" button next to the desired one on the ensuing page. You'll then want to click the tab associated with the section of your Seller Details profile you would like to add these logos to.

If you currently have these logos on your computer in the form of image files, you will then want to click the "Standard" tab along the top of the editor and add the images to that section using the "Insert an Auctiva Hosted Image" button on the description editor toolbar - that button has an icon that depicts a mountain and sun on it.

When you use that button to add images to your profile, they will appear where you placed your cursor prior to clicking the "Insert an Auctiva Hosted Image" button and you should be given the option to upload the images from your computer or choose from the ones you have already uploaded into your Auctiva account.

On the other hand, if you are starting with the URL's of these logo images, you will want to stay in the HTML version of the editor and enter the references to the logo images into your profile manually using HTML.

If the URL of your image was, fior example, the HTML code you would need to enter to make the image show up would be <img src=""/>

I hope this helps. If you need any further assistance with your account, p lease feel free to contact our customer support team by mousing over the "Help" tab within your account and selecting the "File Support Case" option.

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