Testing completed.
Here's an update on that prior posted composite:
I made one minor text change. You had language accepting "Money Order" in the Payment section. That's now a eBay policy problem and can result in listing cancellation or worse. I deleted that sentence.
Here are the Template and Description section pieces
Template: http://practicewriter.com/vu/?58D42
Description: http://practicewriter.com/vu/?58D44
You can view the HTML code by clicking the "Edit this document" link at the bottom of the page on each.
Step-by-Step for creating Template:
1. Click on the Template link (above) and select the "Edit this document" link at page bottom. That will provide a refreshed page including a box with the HTML code at the top of the page.
2. In a separate/new browser window, goto the LISTINGS tab page at Auctiva and click on the "Create your own Template" at lower right. This will take you to the Template builder page.
3. Fill-in the new Template Name (I used "Crush Vintage" for my test) at the top of the template builder page. Note, the window box underneath for adding code. That box is by default in HTML view mode.
4. Return to the practicewriter window with the HTML code and with a Right-Mouse click with cursor in the window, do Select All (all the text will highlight) followed by another Right-Mouse click and Copy.
5. Return to the Template builder window and placing your cursor inside the box on the page to create HTML code, do Right-Mouse click followed by Paste. You should see all the code appear.
6. Under the code window of the template builder, click on the "Save and Preview" button. That will produce a pop-up page with a test preview of the template. At the left, select 8 Images from the drop-down menu, and you will see 8 test Images appear. That demonstrates that the [IMAGE#_URL] tags are working. Also, look at the very top of the description section and you'll see some text demonstrating that the [DESCRIPTION] tag is working.
7. You can close the preview page and exit/close the template builder page.
8. Template is now locked and loaded, i.e. it's DONE!

Step-by-Step for adding Description to Listing:
1. Click on the Description link (above) and select the "Edit this document" link at page bottom. That will provide a refreshed page including a box with the HTML code at the top of the page.
2. In a separate/new browser window, goto the LISTINGS tab page at Auctiva and click on the "New Listing" at upper left. This will take you to the Auctiva one-page listing editor. Note, you can also get to the editor from the Saved Listing page by clicking on an existing listing.
3. Locate the Item Description section of the page and select the "Switch to: HTML" to place the description box in HTML mode.
4. Using the copy and paste method from my prior instructions for the template code, copy and paste the description HTML code to the description box. You should see the code appear. Switch the box back to Standard mode to see and edit changes for new listings.
5. Description is now ready for action, i.e. it's DONE too! Are we having fun yet?

To add your template to the listing, use the blue Select Template box. The pop-page has a Select Templates drop-down list at the upper left....select the Custom group to locate your template.
To add pictures you your listing, use the Image Selection section of the page and click on the Select An Image box.
OK....now I know you are using a Master Profile. However, the ITEM DETAILS of a MASTER PROFILE will lock that section, so you need to create or update your current one to remove that piece.
I'm around for questions for most of the day. I have some errands around 4 EST, but should be back around 6 or so.