I checked your recent sales from store name for an idea of how you've been using Auctiva. This is the listing that I'll use as example to help me understand how you'd like you new template to operate (hope this is a good very recent example).
This lets me know you do understand how to build description text and have a Seller Details profile to consider. If that's the basic layout you need, that's a starting point. Let me know if I'm on target.
The biggest challenge with the new template is allowing you to insert the table-type info for measurements, etc. into the description box in the one-page lister (easy update). That I've done for other clothing sellers. However, the table structure used in the new template does need adjustment (code changes) to let that work well. Your coder did nothing wrong. They just didn't know about Auctiva's tag system and how the template needed structuring to make that work easier.
I'll see what I can do for you for AM coffee challenge ....
