OK, I understand now. Most members do the opposite to avoid template updates due to the constantly changing eBay policies, i.e. when language changes are necessary. Example: eBay requires international sellers by policy to state that Custom Duties and taxes are buyer's responsibility to avoid PayPal-eBay SNAD claims/refunds. Your having a Seller Details profile was confusing me, as most use the plain text fills from profiles to operate the flexibility of language insert from the tag system to one or more templates. I removed the Seller Details tags and moved the text from your example to the templates. I made a few touch-ups on text sizes to assist readability and remove bolding on all but the items bolded from examples.
I did have my sister and several others; look at the templates today. They all like the third template the best out of all three. The only thing was they all agreed they did not like the extra extra on top because they felt it distracted from my header. They did like read all about it for the description, but did not like the word IT capitalized.
Extra! removed and I increased font size on the title to fill the void. Uncapped IT - that was a play on the eBay finding "IT" popularized ad theme. However, they didn't cap "it" either.
The were two other things that I had some questions on. First, is that I did notice my store advertisement was smaller. Would that stay smaller? The other thing that I noticed was that my combined shipping title was missing.
I restored the banner. I created the missing header that wasn't previously feasible with tag system (can't split text between sections with single [SHIPPING] tag).
I love what you are doing and feel like I am being a nit-pick, but I wanted this to be perfect from the beginning. So I really understand if you do not want to finish or if you would like some financial compensation. Thanks so much for everything that you have done for me until now.
You're very welcome. A designer "tries" different options to see what interests a client. Getting it right isn't wrong. I'm picky too.

The practicewriter updates are done.
Black Template: http://practicewriter.com/?5F51B
White Template: http://practicewriter.com/?5F507
Description: http://practicewriter.com/?5F4F6
Here's what the black one now looks like from a listing editor build test.
Let me know if you need changes.