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Reply to "Need Tools for insterting links"

If they've acknowledged a bug, I don't suppose there is ANY possibility that they might FIX IT?

I have to admit that I didn't realize there WAS an IE6 until I saw here that some people are using it. It surprised me because when I got RoadRunner in October, the software installed IE5.5 and when I upgraded Roll Eyes to AOL 7, same thing. I'd have thought one of them would have put in IE6.

Anyway, I downloaded the Opera browser awhile back after I saw ya'll talking about it, so I may have to unzip it and see what's up because the NONability to revise auctions can make you CRAZY! In my case it leads to manic posting episodes on the Auctiva Boards. Big Grin

I THINK that Netscape came with roadrunner OR AOL; I seem to have it on my computer and haven't used because I didn't actually know it was there. Will it cause problems to open IT up and use it when you use IE for most things?

It's a new year. I'm trying to be POSITIVE!!!!!! Big Grin

Jan<--------and the pool on how long that lasts will probably start pretty soon, I know. Razz
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