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new Auctiva BuyShield warranty service

I'm surprised to have received this e-mail only to find there's no correpsonding thread in the forums (not even in News?!).

FYI, this was defaulted to ENABLED in my Auctiva preferences.

Offer buyers peace of mind while increasing your bottom line!

Auctiva is excited to announce the release of BuyShield. BuyShield offers product warranties that deliver premium customer care and the security that buyers want when making a purchasing decision. BuyShield is great for sellers too! Potential customers who browse your products will know that you are a trustworthy and serious seller with BuyShield. Buyers appreciate sellers who offer protection from the cost and hassle of items that inevitably malfunction or break.

BuyShield offers your customers instant warranty quotes with a single click of the mouse. The widget keeps the buyer engaged with your listing instead of directing them to another page to get pricing information, as some other warranty providers do. BuyShield makes it easy to offer this service to your buyers. The warranty widget will automatically be added to listings where it is logical to offer a warranty, such as electronics, computers, and tools. Additionally, we pay you ten percent of the profits for all warranty sales generated by your widget.

How does the Widget work? What does it look like?

Warranty Quote Widget


The warranty quote widget is discreetly placed at the bottom of your listings, centered on the page. With a single click, the widget expands down to reveal the price of a warranty for the item in the listing. Buyers have never had such a simple and direct way of finding coverage - your customers do not leave your listing to get the quote.

BuyShield Seller Stamp


Where it is not logical to have the BuyShield warranty widget shown, e.g. stuffed animals, ceramics, and soaps, we offer sellers the ability to stamp their listing with our BuyShield Seller Stamp. The stamp informs buyers that you offer BuyShield warranties on eligible items. To opt in for the BuyShield Seller Stamp, visit the account preference page and enable it.

When will the widget be available?

This service will start in a couple of weeks. We will be tracking the origin of each warranty sale and will credit your BuyShield account for the sales that come from your listings. Starting in 2009, we will unveil our profit sharing system and distribute those profits to you. We want the best for our sellers and their customers. BuyShield is one more service that separates you from the rest!

Happy Listing!
Auctiva Staff

*BuyShield Terms & Conditions

**We're confident the new BuyShield warranty widget will both enhance your relationships with your customers and make you extra money. However, should you wish to opt out of using this free service, you can either remove the widget on a per listing basis by disabling the BuyShield option on the lister page, or change the setting for it in your account preferences.
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