Fairy Odd Mother, are you having any *luck* selling your "website" items??? I've been a member for over 3 years and I suck!!!!!!!

LOL I've been building, rebuilding my website for over 2 years cause I keep changing my mind, adding new things, taking off old things...blah, blah, blah....it would be soooo much easier if they could do it for me...but my gosh! over $500 or more for 20 items!!! can you say RIP-OFFFF!! lol. Anyway, I was just curios....if you have a sec, take a look at the site I'm building....
Elegant Home by KML and let me know what you think..
of course since i've seem to get the "ebay bug" again, i've let my website fall to the side...it's always something...hahaha...
ok then, ciao for now.