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Newbie sez hello - I'm a true ebay virgin


I'm about to list my very first auction on ebay and thought I'd benefit from using a template. Found Auctiva and wanted to say thanks for the nice templates and community.

I think I found auctiva because one of my ebay purchases used Auctiva and I made a note of the name.

BTW, I'm including shipping insurance in my shipping cost and will purchase it here on Auctiva on behalf of my customer. Gotta support the cause. It wasn't easy finding the info. about how to order shipping insurance on behalf of a customer so the powers that be might want to find a way to make it easier to find.

I am a bit anxious about exactly what happens when I post my Ad to ebay. Will my listing go live immediately or will I still have time to adjust/approve at ebay? Will it look exactly like the preview?

I was even more anxious about the auctiva checkout process and so I chose to turn that off. I'd like to see a detailed explanation as to what that does so I'll know what to expect.

Speaking of the preview, I noticed a couple of bugs/gotchas. Nothing I can't work around but thought I'd mention them fyi.

First, the preview showed my descrition as being all in the Arial font but when I pasted the HTML into a html test site I found it was mostly in Times Roman. Not sure if this is a valid test as the actual posting to ebay process may introduce Arial as the default font. Just to be safe, I manually set the font to Arial.

Second, the preview from within the template form works differently than the one from the saved listings page. I customized the Liquid Blue template to include a slide show and couldn't for the life of me get it to display the slideshow using the preview button on the listing form. In fact, I couldn't get it to display any pictures introduced through the template modification. I spent a good hour or two playing with this and then gave up.

I accidently stumbled on the preview feature on the Saved Listings page and voila, the slideshow appeared.

Also, I was under the impression that pictures were automatically sized to 400x300 but found that the pictures displayed in my slide show were of various sizes and so they caused the text to bounce around if I placed the slide show Top Left.

I read something about being able to supersize pictures but don't know how to do this from the slide show.

I'm a pretty good technical writer so if you would like me to document some instructions on using Auctiva I will be happy to. I just need someone to correspond with in order to get the facts right.

Thanks again for the helpful tools ... Max
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