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I know I should not STOOP and reply...but I will anyway!

You are totally missing my point!
I originally was referring to..NOT BEING ABLE TO REVISE ON A RELIST....and that it was appearing that I would not receive any credit at all.

What I was doing IS NOT CHEATING!
I paid for my listings and it IS MY CHOICE if I want to list and end this listing within minutes....and relist later when I have more time!
TIME is how this whole thing started for me but last summer comments were made about the BIG SELLERS doing this who list high ticket items!
They make up enough listings on a cheap listing day to last them for three months.

I posted comments here last night which referred to what I just said and were originally posted last summer by another member over this issue but it has been removed! So, I am not going to get anyone upset by trying to post it again.
I will just say that many were doing this.

I do not hardly think that what I was doing would be considered cheating!
Ebay did not consider me cheating or they would of told me so!

I always have listing problems on these cheap days so lately I haven't even bothered to list on these days and this is why I make up listings to use at another time! THIS WAS MY REASON FOR STARTING THIS!
Believe me~~~this way of listing has cost me much more money than I would of normally paid.

I started this topic since I wanted to know if others were having this problem as well......and also since this issue was a topic last summer!
Which I guess you know NOTHING about!

I was very frustrated that night and should of kept my mouth shut since there is always someone like you who as the extra time to twist everything I say to make issues more interesting!
In fact you should of kept your mouth shut as well since you could not answer my questions and knew nothing about what I was referring to.

I am a very honest person and I was very honest and upfront with Ebay over this issue!

We should ALL look for ways to save money on Ebay~~~not just hang around the forums and bitch and badmouth!!
Very unprofessional!

I get upset and I can get very vocal in my writing but there are two sides to all these stories and I want to understand all sides if it concerns me enough!!

I will say this about Ebay~~~if most Ebayers are right about the reasons for fee hikes....I really hope that someone comes along that will have the power to start another strong auction site!!

I was hoping Auctiva would do this!

But so far.....everyone threatens to leave Ebay every time there is a fee hike but where are they going?
Some of these option sites are weaker now than they were six months I guess everybody stayed with Ebay!

By the way JeffS~~~~I have been with Ebay a little over three years~~~~have a feedback of almost 2000~~~~with over 4000 transactions~~~~~100% score feedback~~~NEVER a nuetral or a negative! the math! Comparing my three years to your ten...I think I'll keep my notes to myself!

This message is not for Auctiva Jeff......But for JeffS!
Last edited by pepedog
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