If you are running Microsoft XP, there is a way to resize using plain old MS PAINT, which is bundled with XP.
Load the image to Paint, and look under the drop-down list for "Image" on the toolbar. You'll see two functions on the list that are needed to rework the image: Attributes and Stretch/Skew. You can use the Attributes panel to check the current size of an image in Width and Height. Auctiva resizes and stores the image to a maximum of 1024 x 768 (Landscape). Example: a relatively square image of 2048 x 2048 when reduced would be 768 x 768 (limited by the max. 768 height). Knowing the restriction, you can make a percent guess-timate of about how much reduction is needed. My 2048 x 2048 example would require about 38% (768/2048) of original. Go to the Stretch/Skew panel. There you'll see a Horitontal and Vertical Stretch percentage. If you use the same percent for reduction for both dimensions, it should maintain the aspect ratio of the image while doing the proportional reduction necessary. In my prior example, I'd use 38% for each or slightly more to keep the image at or slightly above the restriction. If you make the change, go back to Attributes to check the result and you can also see if you are under the 1MB xfer limit (current problem). If it's too much reduction, use Edit - Undo, and try again with a larger percentage.
Hope that idea helps. The best things in life are free......especially Auctiva.
