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Reply to "Okay, I think I might have messed something up"

Hi eyedocakes,

We are currently unable to accommodate combined invoices. We will be adding this feature for our phase II release later this year. Until then, there are a couple viable options:

1) Enable the "Allow Buyer to Edit Total Amount" feature in your checkout settings. This will allow the buyer to edit the checkout in order to reflect reduced shipping costs or multiple items.

2) If you turn off Auctiva checkout, customers will revert back to the standard eBay checkout for your newly listed items, which will allow you to combine invoices. Auctiva checkout can be disabled at Auctiva -> My Account(tab) -> Checkout Settings.

However, listing that were posted via Auctiva when Auctiva checkout was enabled will still go through Auctiva checkout.

For this transaction, I recommend you arrange payment from the buyer separate of checkout, for example, through a Paypal money request.

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