The photo I resized using Picasa to 1024x768 with preserved quality was uploaded using Aurigma with the following result (hold your breath):
Before: Size 262,005 bytes, WxH 1024x768 px, Res 96x96 dots per inch, Quality 94(411)
After: Size 218,258 bytes, WxH 1024x768 px, Res. 96x96 dots per inch, Quality 90(411)
Note the quality only drops slightly from 94 to 90 and their is NO DPI change! I'm guessing that the uploader doesn't need to RESIZE, which is possibly where the quality loss and/or the DPI change is made. Is that a winner or what?

So here's the best pic receipe.
1. Use Picasa to resize the photo to 1024x768 (or max dimension as applies). The resize is done using the "Export" feature of Picasa, which places the photo in an Export Folder (nice). It looks like this can even be done with batches!!!
2. Upload using the Aurigma uploader.
I hope someone can duplicate my results with problem photos. Please!
And, here's the stored winner.