quote:I'm so confused.
Join the crowd.

Under normal circumstances, I'd agree that DPI "shouldn't" influence the quality. However, I'm curious about that factor in combination with the other changes I've noted:
1. change in compression
2. change in decimation ratio
3. resize sampling interpolation
All of those have the potential to induce artifacts. So far, I'm unable to find a formula that replicates reports with normal digital cam photos.
The subject of the thread was "optimum uploading size". My tests suggests you get the best quality by using your own resizing tool, (like Picasa) to size to the 1024W x 768H px limits and then use the Auctiva/Aurigma uploader. If that formula doens't work for those having artifact problems, I'd need to have a step-by-step on what they are doing with quality data to help replicate the problem.
As time permits, I'm going to try testing scanned images with my 1200 DPI scanner.