I just had the same problem today where someone payed with a money order. I could print the label but not the packing slip, no transaction ID. I've done international shipping in the past and it was not hard. You just have to fill out the forms completely. Supposedly the forms are now electronic, but if they work as well as the rest of PP shipping tools, you'll be doing it the hard way. I agree with the USPS changes. Total garbage. Monstrous step backwards. Useless, complicated, serving nobody but USPS. Utterly and totally retarded move by USPS. I hate it. I would hate it a lot less if eBay, PP, and the USPS would actually work together like they claim to be doing and come up with a way to calculate it automatically. Supposedly calculated shipping does this if we enter the proper package size, service type, and weight. But we shouldn't have to reenter all of it again when we get to PayPal, especially since PP purports to be an eBay company. How can a company owned by eBay be so disconnected when it comes to printing labels?