You just about HAVE to be narc'd on; eBay doesn't have a "pull the auction violation" squad running around their 40,000,000 auctions...I don't think.
At least that person can have the satisfaction of knowing that it has made me so nervous about posting that I'm afraid to, for fear that the Service Box will show up again and get my auctions pulled, not just get me warned. It's doubly hard since I post my daughter's auctions, too.
I'm trying to work through it, which is why I'm sitting at home on New Year's eve being a nervous wreck instead of enjoying it someplace else with somebody else. I don't think a lot of people know how much selling on eBay impacts our lives, and I REALLY don't think they know how much having things go screwy impacts us.
But........if they did, they might not care. Whoever has turned me in (and others as well, for the same offenses) obviously didn't.
Okay - I'm finished. Was that too long winded?

ANONYMOUS POSTER----who cannot be identified by ANY of the information on the left of this page stating user ID, home town, and number of posts. That's not me