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Photo Formatting Inquiry


I'm new to listing with Auctiva. I just created my first listing. I have two questions.

First, is it possible to change the formatting in which my photos show up under the description section? They are showing up in a list format now, one under the other. Since there are 13 photos, I'd rather have them listed in pairs side by side instead of one under the other; this way, it'll take up less space and people won't have to scroll down as much. Is this possible? If so, how?

My second question is in regards to the scroll gallery. It is showing up on all of my existing listings from eBay that I have imported to Auctiva. But it is not showing up on my new listing that I just created through Auctiva and I would like for it to. How do I go about doing this?

Thank you for your help!
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