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I am extremely frustrated that this keeps happening! I've got an auction up, I don't remember when I first created the auction, but I listed this auction. Anyhow, I've listed more listings/auctions since on Ebay and haven't had this happen but a couple of times.

Due to the 'Auto-relist' it kept relisting some of my items. I had to go fix it to not do that. Well when I clicked the 'Don't Relist' it still did it. I then changed the settings to "No Auto-re-list profile selected.' This particular item that has that No auto-re-list thing today KEEPS relisting itself. I contacted ebay(on the phone with them-still-currently)and we are unable to get this fixed. I went to the listing on auctiva, double checked that it wasn't set to relist, and then saved it. Went back to Ebay, went to end this item(it's listed 2x), went to end it while on the phone w/ebay, and the dag nab thing re-listed itself AGAIN! READY TO PULL OUT MY HAIR, COSTING ME $ HERE! HELP, HELP, HELP ASAP!
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