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Hi lmrntx,

I'm sorry to hear about the trouble you have been experiencing. I just reviewed your Auctiva account and found that only about 8 of your active listings currently have an Auctiva auto relist profile attached to them. When you are looking at your Active Listings page, you can identify the ones with auto relist profiles because the name of the auto relist profile will be displayed just under the item number.

If you would like to prevent those items from relisting automatically when they come to an end, even if the conditions in the auto relist profile are met, you just need to check the boxes next to them on your Active Listings page and click the "Stop Auto Relist" button.

If you are going to end an item early that has an auto relist profile attached to it and the auto relist profile is configured to relist the item automatically if it does not sell, you need to make sure to use the "Stop Auto Relist" option on the listing within Auctiva before ending the item within eBay to prevent it from relisting automatically. It appears this was not done for the items you mentioned in your support request.

I also see that some of your listings have a duration of "Good til Canceled" and, based on the way that duration works, eBay will automatically relist them at the end of each 30 day stint until they are sold or you end them manually through your eBay account. If you would like top prevent any of these from relisting, you would just need to end them through your My eBay page.

I hope this helps. If you need any further assistance with your account, please feel free to follow up on the support case you filed earlier and we'll be happy to continue working with you.

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