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Mike, oh my gosh, I'm so incredibly upset and STRESSED to the MAX because of this ONE ************ item! I've been on HOLD w/Ebay, yet ANOTHER hour 1/2 so far, and when I finally reached a person, this lady isn't understanding ANYTHING I am saying to her. I've explained to her everything that happened. I thought the problem was solved last night, but apparently not when I woke up this morning to check things. I have gone and DELETED all the Auto-relist profiles. I am not even going to fool with that **** anymore if this is what I have to go through. It's NONSENSE! Yet, even after DELETING the auto-relist profiles(all of them), Deleting the template, starting completely over with a new listing from scratch, this one particular item has kept relisting itself when I've ended it again. Then fighting with Ebay for my fees. Gosh Dang! They charged me $.60 this am, refunded me .10.

I am trying to make sure I don't do any 'good til canceled' items anymore as well as I'm going to go change all of those. I will do what you said and see if this helps me. I really appreciate you getting back with me. At least you understand more of what I'm talking about. Darn people at Ebay don't understand squat sometimes. Makes me crazy!

I will get back with you soon on how it worked.

Thank you in advance again. I think I need a good margarita!

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