Your shop: I like the color scheme and your logo. You might want to use ALL complete sentences to the right of your logo however. The first thing I noticed was the lack of a gallery pic for EACH item - you need those pictures. The little camera icon just isn't enough to generate immediate buyer interest - you shouldn't have to click on a link to see the item. All of your pictures are way too dark. They need much better lighting and contrast to show your product - this is critical. A more contrasting backround will help your items to stand out as well. Experiment with lighting until you get something that really shows off your great products. Use a tripod and go for bright, clear, sharp, impressive looking images with lots of 'snap'. That's what will sell your items. A simple photo editor will be of great help after you take the pics. You can adjust contrast, sharpness, cropping, etc. Also, do you need to show the hanger? I think the clothing would display much better without it. Maybe include some kind of simple props to increase interest and appeal. Without good pictures you are fighting an uphill battle.
Listings: (Same comments about the pics as above.) I noticed you use a large variety of templates(or no templates)and layouts in your listings. It would work much better if you had a more consistent look, or common elements, from one listing to the next to tie your product line together. You might want to pick one or two favorites and work on improving those. I found the center justified text hard to read, left justified is much easier. All the different fonts, text colors, sizes, and styles on some of the listings were VERY distracting. You want to present your information in a clear, simple, attractive manner. Overdoing the glitz and razzle-dazzle can actually detract from your listing. More distinction between your descriptions and your supplementary info, terms, etc. would be clearer. The bit about reporting non-paying bidders to ebay seemed a little too harsh and unfriendly. Maybe say 'serious bidders only please'. Actually I don't think it helpful to even say that. You really want to keep a friendly,inviting tone and such admonitions, however mild, do not contribute to that impression.
Hopefully my suggestions will be food for thought. You've got a good thing started, stay with it.