Thanks for replying and the suggestions on editing my coding. I will try that. Here are several links to the template. The first 2 links are the template copied right into the practice link with out any previewing. They look ok until you add pictures and info and do a test auction preview, then the one with the store tag goes all screwy....see what you think...
This is the template copied right into the practice link with NO STORE TAG
This is the template copied right into the practice link WITH THE STORE TAG ADDED
It looks ok at this point, until you do a TEST auction and preview it, then it shows everything out of alignment.
This link is the source html coding from the TEST auction preview page, so you will see lots of code at the top of the document which is part of the preview page and not part of my original template, so just ignore that top html coding.
Auction preview WITH STORE TAG
__do you see what I mean now, how it knocks the template off. I might try the suggestion from capt and re do my html coding. _____________________________________________
This is how it looks in the TEST auction preview mode with NO STORE TAG. again same rule applies with the extra html it is from the source code.
_it is centered and looks ok to me, but it might be my browser ? I use IE to browse.______I am curious to see how it looks in other browsers ?______________________________________
Any advice good or bad on the template would be great. Thanks guys ...and gals smile.
