quote:Assuming you are using the "listing preview: that won't be accurate, due to the two extra borders (tables) that I mentioned above.
Well guess what, !!!! we should give the old captain a good olde slapa on the backa, by jove he figured it out. I am afraid to say that the help desk was a total waste of my time on this one.

The information they offered was way off. I felt as though they were not even reading the questions I was asking.
Anyway, I think the captains answer to this scrolling issue is correct, it is the PREVIEW Page that is causing all the scrolling problems.
Here is a link with my NEW template... wink wink capt..

I removed the coding of the blue borders.... like capt suggested. It worked a treat. So I GUESS NOW I OWE YOU 50 GOLD COINS !! LOL.
The tech guys are still sending me solutions, ( which are not working) I did ask them about the blue borders in the preview page, so far they have not given me an answer to that. ?
I will make an auction now and see how it goes, maybe I won't have to pay you the 50 gold coins yet.. watch this space. lol.