Hi folks, just popping in as I am up and getting the turkey prepared. Many thanks for your best wishes for my family - unfortunately they both seem to have dropped back a bit, both running high temperatures

, Stevie's is at 103. So, it looks like they both have 'flu for Christmas

I seem to have escaped it, because I had to have a 'flu jab a few weeks back.
It's lucky Sal's parents are coming over today, or I'd end up eating a whole turkey, and it's a big one!
Susanne, sorry hun, you are way off on my age!

Yes, Stevie is only 8, but I have another son from a former relationship, who is 29!
So, your mission folks, should you choose to accept it, is guess Sexy St Pete's age

By the way Steve, go fill yer boots mate!

Have a GREAT day everyone!