Merry Cristmas! (I might be drunk so pls excuse any misspellings, I probably wont notice them

Nephew turned 21 at midnite tonite so we of course had to take him out for drinks. (Or as Taz would say, scoops and shants) Had a great time! I just hope I'm not sorry in the morning

OK your age...between 50 & 60? Pretty broad guess huh!! Covering all the bases..I think we're all relatively close in age but who the heck knows about Sid...he's probably 19

Pete, you can send some of that turkey over my way, you know I can't cook...Yum..

Really sorry everyone is sick tho, what a lousey time for that to happen! You're pretty brave to get the flu shot. I'm a 'needle expert' but I'm scared of shots!
Hope everyone has as good a time tonite as I did.