Sorry I missed ya'll tonight.

Had some chicken noodle soup and chamomile tea and tucked in with a book and my snuggly furbaby. Woke up with a sneeze attack and here I am. Can't stay away from here. Could it be Ninth's intriguing eyes - all 1000 of 'em?

Miss M, I'll go find the ?? over there. Hope I can help.
"I think I can safely say she'd dying to try them out on you." Can't imagine why you'd think that.

Kinda figured Taz would be MIA tonite. Yippee for him!! Seriously Taz, I'm happy for you.

Where'd Sexy St Pete and Choo go? Choo needs an S name. lol
Ninth, I'm thankful you're fairing well there. Savin' my super duper secret recipe just for You.

Sweet dreams... or somethin'... all o' ya'll.