quote:Hi Taz, something's got to give soon, the flack is intensifying and the outburst you fired back in Auctiva's defence was certainly justified but unfortunately angry ordinary people are going to take it out on anyone connected with the current issues.
I sure can understand people taking things out on the closest related thing, heck sometimes it does not even have to be related just handy.
But the guy I thrashed last night was blatantly lying and it pi**ed me off. As all of you know I say what I mean and mean what I say on here.I like to pull the trigger and keep my finger on it just to be safe. Yeah sometimes it gets me in trouble

So Pete you look like an alien Jelly Belly jelly bean? You poor guy. Gotta agree the giraffe was much better.
BTW Miss M I did see the Godzilla eye in its original size and it looks a lot better full size. Shrunk down it is a Godzilla eye, full size it is... Dare I say it? Will I say it?
Sure I will! Full size it is rather sexy! However nowhere near as alluring as your mystery come hither eyes you currently use.