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Reply to "POLL: the final step before ninth_wave reveals all!"

Why thar ya be my wicked little spiderette. I see ya got yer witch's hat on tonite, and ar a cooking up somthin' in that thar pot a yonder. Better not be non o my fly buds in thar, or else I'll hafta give ya a bite or two, maybe on that big spider belly ya got thar. Wink

As for the rest of you denizens of this here thread, don't think I aint been a noticin the strange goins on around here, beins I is such a skulker in these here parts. That be accordin to a certain wooly whacker who likes to keeps rats in her larder I've a heard.

As fer ya newcomers to this here bundle a wildly wasted bits n bytes, and I mean the likes a YOU, N and Jeff, and anyone else bold enough to step into this here jumble of discombobulated mental activity fit only for the Asylum, welcome one and all! Eek Eek Eek
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