JeffS, your pic is awesome! Have to agree with Choo on the avi. I live two blocks from a track intersection so it can be loud when they go through - often. Especially when there's a North wind. Once used to the loudness, I enjoy listening to the different whistles.
When my grandkids were here during the summer, my grandson (six come Groundhog Day) would get all excited and run out back to stand up in a chair and watch, just mesmerized. Or best is when his sister or I would hold him up at the fence cause it's closer. He loves all things train! Holding him, I could feel it's soothing to him. I won't be surprised if they're somehow a big part of his adult life.
To me, in the distance, it's such a lonesome sound. Not here though.

So does this mean the showdown is over? I still say what'd I miss? Did I sleep too long? What time zone are we in?

Is it time to change our avis back? I'm suppose to be howlin' at the moon now.

Taz, I should've known what you were up to! You don't make a good spy though. Yep, cookies are all spoken for!

As for the DeLorean, it's MINE next! Don't you go tryin' to get it first!

Keep after Choo, Miss M. Surely he'll tell us eventually!
Come'on Choo! Give us just a tiny little hint. Please!!
Hi Pete!
Thurston! Welcome to th' Asylum! No exclusive club here, just folks' reluctance to post. Still can't figure that one out. hmmmm
Anyway, glad to see you and JeffS hangin' around. And N too.
Does that mean we're not SO crazy after all (hah! not a chance!)? Or are ya'll just venturin' on over to the darkside? Cookies are all gone but Taz might have some pretzels left. Ya might ask Miss M 'bout some o' them rats too. I bet she'd be happy to share!

Off in search o' that sweet li'l fly. OMG! Now which wall to start with!

edit: Holy cow! That's forever long! Have I used up my allotment for th' week?