quote:yes it was getting eerily sane around here.
Yes, and we just can't have that.
I wonder if Miss M will still have those rats whenever it may be that I go see her.

That train derailing, those pics are just somethin'! Yes, I know, quite the understatement there.
I'm sending that link to my granddaughter so she can show it to her little brother. They'll both enjoy that. Thanks JeffS.
I just don't know what to do with Taz.

I'm not bein' greedy with the DeLorean. It's mine next, fair an' square. Taz is tryin' to take cuts, and I don't know what's keepin' Miss M so long with it. Maybe I will take that VIP ticket after all, thank you.

edit: I know it's gettin' late for ya Choo. I may not be here when ya go nighty night. So sweet dreams. I'll be waitin' on that ticket. 'Course I'm still waitin' on that check from Miss M too. (love ya missy.)