Hi Choo..oooo I just saw that myself, I even found a link:
But believe me when I say it's NOTHING compared to what we saw last night!
But in all seriousness, about the FB thing,,,What IDIOT thought up this bright idea?? Those people at ebay have nothing better to do than think up new stupid policies and change change and more change on each & every page..it's a wonder that a new person can even navigate the site. I don't now if you've bought anything lately, but now when you go to pay, you still sign into paypal, but you never actually get into your account..all the pages are still ebay. I find it very annoying. I guess they don't realize that they're going to end up with NO sellers...which will = NO buyers...I'm beginning to see their downfall and they have no one to blame but themselves.
And nope, I'm NOT gettin off this soapbox

EDIT - I just got this bit of news from kbalona (hope you don't mind K, gonna post it here)
Fees - not exactly what we were all hoping for..
Now WHERE did I put that Valium???????