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Reply to "POLL: the final step before ninth_wave reveals all!"

Mum likes the Stones?..
yeah..long story + hard to explain! Kinda' crazy though! Believe it or not..I was giving her a little ebay tour the other night..and wouldn't ya know it!..she caught an instant mad-dog case of auction-bidding hysteria! Sit'n right there beside me too! Take it from me!...It were pretty scary Pal ! [as in PAY~Pal !! ] Ya'll would {*Love*} to see a lot more 'mothers' let loose out in ebay like mine! You'd think you were in Paradise! ~ oh well... The Jagg'd Stones kinda played a little rough-on-the-soul fer me, and a bit of a back-seat rank in my favor to the WHO ~but that's just me. As an aside, WHO can be found in the favor of JeffS !!/?? Roll Eyes But in all fairness and respect to Mick, and especially to missy-M, ...I hereby confess and admit to my fondness for "the girl with faraway eyes!) Wink

For the record...I've noticed your ability to jerk a chain.. i'm impressed. Steering clear of any tug-o-war with you..makes bitingly-perfect sense to me! But honestly now,..about those eye-torquing graphics you come up with!? Like the giant qwerty-bar, an ancient epicurean delight? Where have You been fish'n neighbor? Out in the stockyard tank? Around these parts..the Bubbas might see that as a compliment! ~ but then again.. if ya' showed 'em Missy's after-work snapshot...they'd bug ya' to no end for her phone number! So in deference to Persius (& JeffS)..your secret is safe with me! ~ cuz I'm telling anyone who asks..that my multi-tongue buddy Taz up in PA ..always loves the Daily Special! but do NOT Spit on His Food! Big Grin Wink
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