Com'on Choo, you know better than that! It was already boosted and I just replied to the post.

I thought you were escaped from th' padded cell. What'd I miss? Darn, I always miss stuff or else you'd not have trapped me with that VIP ticket! Heck, I don't even have to be in a padded cell to be talkin' to myself... shhh! Don't tell, lest they come an' take me away!!

Taz, there's somethin' else I missed - I thought the brown pants went to Zebra (or was it Jeff S?) cause they match the lawn or some goofy thing like that? I know ya had the red shirt. Either way, Miss M's right 'bout 'em lookin' better on you than me.

Miss M, sure am glad you're feelin' better! Did Ninth do us right proud with that pic or what?! lol Now don't you worry 'bout there bein' any cookie ODin' either! And I understood what Zeb said too. Choo, how'd you not follow that - and even after re-reading too? I'm shocked!
Zebra, keep 'em comin'!!! Love your posts! Oh, and I saw over there somewhere that you included me in a thanks of sorts for stuff you've learned. hmmm, dunno what in the world That could be but sure do appreciate th' kind words. Hey, I can even relate to wearin' the tall boots - whatever that was ya said a fair piece back there. Must be a Texan thang?

Sexy St. Pete, where you be man? Ya shore are missed 'round these here parts! Get yoreself on back here an' let us all know you're fairin' alright! Ya hear?

Ninth, more cookies comin' right up! Or should we make it brownies this time? Nah! How 'bout both?!

edit: Taz, I agree with Miss M. First thing I thought was a spoof email. Forward it to spoof at eBay.com and they'll tell ya real fast. That's ONE thing they do fast at least.