Just cuz I didn't make it back before the sand-man snooked up on me (zzzZ).. Don't mean my radar-ears quit work'n!!
I could hear ya'll carry'n on about pesky horse-flies and such. But hold on there Ninth! ~ yer all wet bout me gett'n in yer cookie jar!!

Aww Heck! I ain't gonna' try and cover-up no colors on my hide! Missy's really the apple of my eye! (no~not that apple dear!

So.. Shadeaux, you and lather-wings can jest cool off a skosh..(if'n that's possible?) cuz Missy forgot it were Valentines Day..and there's no excuse for that on my watch!

Well I figger Taz and ChooChoo are gonna' barge in here before long and steal my thunder (again).. so Missy before that happens..whaddya' say we duck out the back while no one's looking!!? I got your Valentine right around the corner here.