quote:And righty ya are bout the frothy bit - them secret cookie ingredients can make ya look like a good pint with a overflowing head on it. Big Grin
Yeowwza ~ Ninth !!!!! -- Your 'heady' choice of words for making a frothy pintle point about secret cookie ingredients...
Far out-trumps my archaic notions for getting a pretty Philly to cum home. I might need to quit bating my masterful techniques for gynerating a frenzy.. as it would be semen' entirely lame and old-fashioned in this day and time. Yes, methinks the polished triple-entendre is probably far too convulvaluted such that it now only lays before me my awaiting twomb; sorrowfully unrecognized for its heavenly fulfilling yet neglected promise of relief.
Alas, my previous subtle-tongue style of pitching plea, thru cunning-linguistics no longer serves strong and erect as once before, for it doth fail to inspire the fair maidens' nod in favor of pressing to home my earnest desires; despite such aching need for base and fruitful plate. I just may have trod the long-winded trail to finally have become an out of date nun-sequitur.

Any body wanna' beer?