quote:Big Grin Obviously looks tentative...I'll try it out and see what happens.....thanks!!!
well.... I dunno 'N'. ~ No disrespect to Missy but I'd be a little careful bout what she offers ya'. Her offerings can have a little "bite" to it!

" Rare Four-eyed Turtle Hatches At The Tennessee Aquarium: Endangered Hatchling May Represent A First In North America"
ScienceDaily (Jun. 19, 2007) — A rare Beal’s four-eyed turtle recently hatched at the Tennessee Aquarium. According to aquarium herpetologist Enrico Walder this tiny turtle should be treated as big news. “According to records this species of turtle can only be seen at three North American zoos or aquariums, and is listed as an endangered species.
So you might wanna' consider the overall implications.

But then again, maybe not. Your choice I suppose!