quote:Wink ul-ul a saw taht dna taolb doog a yojne I peY
Choo, forgive my interjection.. I for one..very much appreciate your sharing on the UK alternatives including conclusions drawn from an evaluation of your approach in assessing them. Frankly, I believe your point of establishing an independent (and more controllable) merchant presence vis-a-vis a hosted site (or equivalent stratagem) is very well taken; .. and really the only sensible choice toward achieving long-term stability and survival. You are also absolutely correct in the observation that many are ill-equipped to take on such an endeavor, and they would undoubtedly suffer in the attempt. For those who can muster sufficient resources and apply them with the necessary savvy to successfully establish themselves, the prospects of meaningful profitability are in my view, ultimately much better. The key issue of course..is the question of what it means to be 'savvy' enough. Anyway..that's just my 2-cents worth. (btw.. thanks! I couldn't find the 'cropper' idiom anywhere, and I'm fully aware of your challenges in dealing with our 'american' idiomatic bs