N, it should be on Go Daddy if that's where you purchased from. You could look on there to manage it and if not, I'd ask Auctiva to help you find it if you paid through here.

Somethin' back there 'bout no spyder lookin' for th' fly... I'm not chasin' 'im any more... playin' hard to get!!

Countin' on th' sweet cookie aroma to lure 'im on in closer... & closer... Oh, & there's a new special brew waftin' thru th' air too.

Miss M, I promise to email you real soon.

Choo, I have my domain... think I got a goodun. Now please, what exactly is the best thing to do with it do ya think? I'm okay with HTML, know some about SEO and meta tags and all that. I want to get an appropriate logo and all going. Just seem to be kinda stuck after the purchase even tho' I've done it before.

Hey Zeb & Taz.