quote:Originally posted by ~Zebra~:
..as I may have to drop outta' sight from time to time too. Kinda like Ninth seems to be doing lately..(maybe you should start a 'lurkers-anonymous' thread Ninth. Could shoot for a record 'minimum' number of posts [zero!])
A thread with no posts? Wouldn't that be kinda like a stripeless Zebra with no pooh? Let me get back to you on that, ok?
Miss M, sorry no eBay Live this year. I so want to go too but just can't make it happen.
Thank you Miss S for that picture of you in your monkey disguise. You sure do know how to turn a fellers head with that awfully potent come hither look. And all that talk about your special lingerie, and poutin' in all, and all in that sweet Texas accent that has me in your spell. No wonder I'ma still lustin after them cookies with the special ingredients. Dang! Methinks ya got me good!!!