OMG what a shock to hear Ms N is out of ratz.....now that is a shocker! But am soooo glad. Now it's the fangs to worry about.
I also noticed some of the last of the ninth are essentially missing....only a few left to romp. It won't die tho', nah!
Oh man am I wondering about this FB thing myself. Pretty iffy stuff. They make it sound like how great it'll be, but I don't think so. I've never left a neg for anyone, except once a postive with a qualifier as a buyer, as it took forever to get a cd. Like 3 weeks and no communication. All I said was deal was ok, but took a long time. The guy pm'd me railing me! Very sore about it. Never left a neg on a buyer....almost did once.
I am lucky at 100% but it's so iffy. I don't like s & h together in one choice. If someone doesn't want to pay the handling they ding ya on both. Not fair. Now I have to list a shipping price starting in June.....man o man....these tiny things I ship, I hate saying minimum priority, it's ridiculous. But ebay calculator won't let me figure 1st class for an invoice. I think the racket is just getting bigger. I wonder if they get something back for using Priority or higher.
Which reminds me I have a question I gotta ask in one of the other info threads.....
I am kinda new still ya know? But I am up to 54 now since mid Dec. They send me little notes saying that is good, but I didn't do it by listing high priced shipping, I let people pick...now they change it!
Poor manners

I haven't forgotten one of yas, like I say been lurking.
Hven't even seen the zeb, what is with that.....or ninth emself! Steve, Jeff, etc. what's the deal? All been busy, like me I spect.
Hail to those who won't let 'er die!