quote:Originally posted by member_8880:
Wow it's been so long I don't even know what to say(Yeah those rollin eyes are for you)
Looks like the epic thread is finally coming to an endAlmost a year & 1/2 tho, we did good
No the thread that would not die CANNOT die just yet. What would all the poor people who have been following this thread do? I don't think the thread is ready to "jump the shark" just yet!I am sure you know what that quote refers to Miss M, poor Choo on the other hand may be a bit lost on it. Yes I still get updates emailed to me on the thread!
Unfortunately eBay did a good job of killing itself for me so I no longer am listing anything. I still occasionally go to local auctions and do a yard sale or set up at the flea market occasionally. But my full time J.O.B keeps me pretty busy and the better half keeps me occupied when I am not working. Yup ,almost 2 years together now. Starting to think seriously about the M word LOL.