I am not sure this will work but you may try these two suggestions?
(Tony hope I am not overstepping my bounds here, but know the frustration of having to re-do listings)
Suggestion 1. Go to the listing. On top row of edit box go to about middle of row you will see binoculars, 2 icons past the binocular there is a box that if you go over it says "SELECT ALL" it looks like a little picture frame. Click on that. It will then grey in the entire listing. Right next to that is a little eraser like a chalkboard eraser. Click that it should strip the listing to all small font. You may be able to then go in and re-font or color, etc., it to how you want it to look. Just a thought and may or may not work.
A sort of side note: Sometimes in order not to mess up my listing I open it and do nothing to it, except click SAVE AS NEW at bottom. It then starts you on a new listing which you can experiment with without messing up your original. (when you are done if you like it you can delete the first one)
Suggestion 2. Why don't you try cutting and pasting them into notepad which should strip them, (I think). A friend did that with hers and it worked. I have not done it as I type directly in auctiva. To be safe I would paste in description and then do above step with "select all" and eraser before editing it.
Just two thoughts and may or may not work but will sure not take much time to try it.
Good luck and hope one of these will work for you.