Posted Thursday, 9/4/2008 6:27 AM After saving auction because NO way to POST as all buttons NOT active except save . cannot use 'charges ebay' .. cannot see what I wrote . not able to scroll text I wrote .. Mike . it is a MESS .. I thought it would be working today . NOT .. I have a screen shot of what it looks like .. cannot use bold/color/font anything there .. it is like a veil over everything . IF it shows at all . sometimes it is totally gone.. the HTML button does NOT work . I don't want it anyway .. the large page does .but NO way to select anything/buttons there only SAVE ..
I wrote to you yesterday .. all I got was 'let me know if clearing cache/cookies/etc. does not help' . I replied and was sent back here . meanwhile, I gave up and about to give up totally .. NO MORE LISTING .. I will NOT use IE .. says it is supposed to work w/Firefox . that is what I have 3.0 .. does NOT work at all . I wanted to add a 'saved' pix .. the numbers do not move . there are NO numbers as there always were .. A MESS! AND it keeps changing from $ to C
The Auction IS saved in my listings .. along with a bunch of ALREADY SOLD listings .. but it is a HUGE MESS!
Thank you ..
Posted Thursday, 9/4/2008 6:30 AM I just SAVED it again and takes me to SAME AUCTION I HAVE been working on for HOURS . DAYS .. Again it has C and NOT $ .. a HUGE MESS .. I give UP! .. null
Here is what was came up after I saved .. start new auction:
(Removed URL I sent to them) .. I also have a screen shot of the GHOSTING .. cannot do anything ... why NOT put it back as it was? ..
Posted Thursday, 9/4/2008 6:32 AM BTW . I TOTALLY know how to clear all cache/history/cookies .. and do it constantly .. a HUGE MESS is all I have to say .. now I have two listings of same auction or is it 3 . there were 4 yesterday
Thought I would Add to the FORUM .. did NOT get any reply to 'add to ticket' .. I am sure they are trying to fix it .. but have a feeling I won't be around 'in life' before it is done

Ooops already did that .. something else I did NOT need ..
I JUST managed to get Auctiva to POST to eBay . BUT only via saved listing page .. Other page still ghosting .. buttons do NOT work .. did NOT seem to work when I said "LIST" . .then got a popup asking if I wanted to . yes, then said was .. IS NOT like it was with little dots going across . but there it is in my eBay .. I revised it there . BUT still would not take MORE photos and sooo .. really is NOT working properly .. IMHO .. but Mike & crew will probably get it together? ..