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Reply to "Remove the Supersize Image option from listings"


Thanks for contributing to our forum.

Any images that you place in the Auctiva Image Selection area on our lister page will automatically include the “Click to Supersize” option by default, so the easiest way to avoid using that option in certain listings would be to refrain from adding your images to that section.

For example, if you were to skip placing the images of a product in the Auctiva Image Selection section and only place them in the Optional eBay Gallery Images section below, your images would only show up in the upper left corner of the listing and would not appear within the description at all.

If you would still like to place them in the description, you could potentially do so using the “Insert an Auctiva Hosted Image” button (look for the mountain/sun icon) on the description editor toolbar.

Any images you place within the editor in that manner will not include the “Click to Supersize” option, but will appear in the size at which they were uploaded. Therefore, if you use this method, you will likely find that you will need to resize your images to make them appear as desired, which can be done either before or after you have added them to the editor.

Alternatively, you could potentially create a custom version of one of our templates and modify it such that any images you add to the Auctiva Image Selection section would appear full size, without the “Click to Supersize” option.

If you are interested in learning more about that option, please contact our Customer Support team directly from under the “Help” tab within your account and we can take you through that process in future detail. I hope this helps!

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