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Reply to "save, post, save)new etc. Buttons on listing confusing"

I would like to throw my two cents in on the buttons, as I have also accidentally posted a few times when I meant to save. I have some ideas that might be useful - in case you haven't already considered them:
1) make the "Save" button larger - harder to miss
2) an "are you sure?" pop-up
-- I think someone said they get this. I do not.
3) change the order of the buttons to Save, Schedule, Post
-- this idea may not go over well with people who have been using the listing builder for a long time, as they have gotten used to the existing order, but accidentally going to the scheduling screen wouldn't be as big a deal as accidentally posting your auction at a horrible time.

I would also love to see these buttons (and the Confirm Save button) at the top of the page also, so I don't always have to scroll to the bottom when I have clicked "Error Check" or made a minor adjustment. I know - this seems like a laziness issue, but all the scrolling is irritating when making a simple change to several listings that you have already scheduled for posting.
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