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Reply to "Sellathon & technical support is shockingly bad - why?"

Hey Jeff

With respect, that's what you get for assumption Wink

The problem is not that I'm using the old code, it's that the new code doesn't work with 3rd party listing tools as it did.

I've always used GarageSale, and (despite the well-publicised changes Sellathon made with regard to Ebay policy changes & the 'kick it back'shenanigans) never had any problems.

However - after returning to eBay to list SINCE the code change you mention - the code is getting 'scrunched'.

The solutions proposed by Support?

1. Append each listing post-submission by adding the code to each auction by hand through eBay. (defeats object of using listing tool, plus very time-consuming?)

2. List through Auctiva.

3. Don't use GarageSale.

So here's my gripe(s).

I've been a long-time user of Sellathon since early days, recommended your service to 100s of folk on blogs, ebooks, etc.

Your code used to work fine with GarageSale (Support mention this crunching is an existing problem that's been brought to their attention before).

My goodwill stands for nothing it seems, I've kept my subscription up (despite not listing) & through this latest debacle. However, it's clear that Sellathon are unwilling to attempt to revise the code to maintain it's integrity in cases like mine.

I don't expect your coders to work to suit every single 3rd party listing tool, but your reluctance to work on a problem that will obviously narrow your market should be a matter of concern.

Then again, maybe it's not a coincidence that this MAY increase custom direct with Auctiva for listers like myself using 3rd party listing tools? Clearly, it's an executive decision NOT to ensure Sellathon works well with listing tools in the hope it may influence listers to change to Auctiva.

As it stands, I use Auctiva now & again for specific types of listings. For others, I prefer GarageSale. However, being that I cannot now use Sellathon & GS together, something will have to give.

Sadly, it will probably have to be Sellathon - and that should worry you. It won't just be me - check your reviews on forums such as & you will note many have referenced the decline of Sellathon because of functionality issues, code problems or poor technical support (or all!).

I'm afraid I feel disappointed such a superb tool as Sellathon has declined so much to this sorry state.
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